1446 Hijri, 12 Rabi ath-Thani

Common Mistakes to Avoid while Performing Umrah

Common mistakes during Umrah

Here is a list of common mistakes that many people make every year. We can be aware of these mistakes to avoid making them ourselves.

This way, God willing, our Hajj will follow the teachings of the Prophet more closely and will be more pleasing to Allah.

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, a respected companion of the Prophet, said, “People would ask the Prophet about good things, but I would ask him about bad things because I was worried they might happen to me. “

What a great model to look up to. We’ve listed some common mistakes that many people make every year. By knowing these, we can be careful and avoid making the same errors. This way, our Umrah will be more like the way it should be if God wants, and hopefully, it will be pleasing to God.Choosing an Umrah travel agency that offers specialized training before to your journey can help you avoid frequent blunders by giving you guidance on how to carry the items forward.

1. Believing that prayers are answered as soon as they see the Ka’bah.

Many people wrongly believe that when they see the Ka’bah for the first time, any prayer they say will be answered. This is not correct because there is no proof from the Shari’ah. Any ‘hadeeth’ you find about this topic is either very weak or made up.

When someone asked if prayers are accepted as soon as you see the Ka’bah, Shaykh Sa’d al-Humayd said, “That’s not correct. We need proof for that to be true, because we should only base acts of worship on evidence. ” The proof needs to be true on its own and should be clear and easy to understand. “And Allah knows best. ” (Shaykh Sa’d al-Humayd)

2. Giving a kiss to the black stone from a distance and pausing during the circling

Kissing the black stone is a lovely practice and a great honor for those who can do it. But because there are so many people, a lot of them can’t get there. Actually, it’s really not possible. Many people try to “kiss” it from a distance. When they reach the black stone, they stop walking, face the stone, raise both hands beside their heads, and pretend to “kiss” the stone in the air, as if it is right in front of them.

Or they send ‘flying kisses’ to the black stone from a distance by kissing their hands and then ‘throwing’ those kisses toward the stone. When they suddenly stop walking and just stand still in the middle of the tawaaf, it breaks the flow of the tawaaf, creates unnecessary crowding, and makes it difficult for other pilgrims. None of this comes from the Sunnah. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) did tawaaf, he would kiss the Black Stone if he could reach it easily. If not, he would touch it with his hand and then kiss his hand. But when there was a crowd, he just pointed at it from far away and said, “God is great. “

And that’s what we have to do. If you are far from the black stone, just point to it with your right hand, say “Allah Akbar,” and continue on your way. Don’t face the Ka’bah, don’t blow kisses, and don’t stop suddenly. Keep walking and don’t block the way during the tawaaf. It’s important to know that you can still do the tawaaf correctly even if you don’t kiss the Black Stone. If someone can’t kiss the Black Stone. It’s enough to point to it and say “Allahu Akbar” when you’re next to it, even if you’re far away. (Fataawa ibn Baaz)

3. Saying prayers together loudly

Some people loudly pray together in a group while walking around the Kaaba. They follow a leader, called an imaam, who says different prayers. Everyone repeats after him and shouts together as a group. This leads to confusion and distracts others during their prayers, making it hard for them to stay focused and truly connect. It’s not appropriate to shout or raise your voice in such a holy place like the Haram.

Before you go for tawaaf, it’s important to know the prayers (duas) you will say and the parts of the Qur’an you will read. so you won’t need to follow anyone. You will be saying your own prayer, in your own words, from your heart. This will help you focus better and feel happier. Plan your prayers in advance to avoid any confusion. And say these words to yourself softly, with respect and focus. After all, you are praying to the One who listens to everything and sees everything.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Everyone is talking to God, so don’t bother each other or speak loudly when reading” – or he said, “when praying. ” (Reported by Abu Dawood, confirmed by al-Albaani)

4. Assigning certain prayers for certain rounds

Some people say special prayers (duas) for each round, and there are even books that list these prayers for each round. This is not part of the Shari’ah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) and his friends didn’t say any special prayer in any of the rounds. If there was something like that, he would have told us about it himself.

The only prayer he mentioned to say during Tawaaf was when he finished each round between the Yamani Corner and the Black Stone. He would say: “Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the Fire. ” “Our Lord, please bless us with good things in this life and the next life, and protect us from the punishment of the fire. “

The dua mentioned above is the only one that is specific. In each round, you should make a heartfelt prayer to Allah about what you need. You can use any language and words that feel right to you. Keep praying like this until you reach the Yamani corner, and then say the special prayer mentioned above.

5. Making Tawaaf for someone else

Lots of people are making this mistake. They walk around the Ka’bah 7 times and then they offer the good deeds from this walk to their loved ones, family members, or relatives who have died. When people go for Hajj or Umrah, their family and friends often ask them to “walk around the Kaaba once for me. ” This is not allowed and there is no proof that it is okay.

Tawaaf is a type of prayer, and you can’t do it for someone else. Just like that, you can’t do tawaaf alone for someone else either. But it only counts as part of the Umrah or Hajj if they are doing the whole thing for that person. However, doing the tawaaf, which means walking 7 times around the Ka’bah and giving the reward to someone else, is not right.

Shaykh ibn Baaz said: “You cannot do Tawaaf around the Ka’bah for someone else. The only time you can do it for someone else is if you are performing Hajj or ‘Umrah for them. In that case, you can do Tawaaf as part of that. ” (Fataawa Ibn Baaz)

By knowing about these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, pilgrims can have a more meaningful, spiritually rewarding, and mistake-free Umrah experience.

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